Seed Processing-conditioning station – Modelu, Calarasi county
The station from Modelu represents a major investment of the Probstdorfer Austria company in Romania, it was inaugurated in 2008 and is located in Modelu, Calarasi County. The station was set in the Danube valley in the south-eastern part of the Romanian Plain, the country’s main grain area. The investment has new-generation equipment, incorporating the latest technical and scientific concepts, many of them unique in Romania.
From technological point of view was chosen the technical solution of mixed place (horizontal and vertical) of the technological flow, which results in increased seed quality during processing. Modelu station capacity warehouse is over 1500 to raw materials and over 3000 to and finished product.
Unique in the country is the method of of raw materials storage, in a storage battery of 12 cells horizontally, fully mechanized. Unique, at national level, is also the cold storage technology in the grain storage, which makes Modelu station to have the lowest specific electricity consumption per tone of finished product.
Processing Department, handling and packaging is designed so as not to injure the seeds in the transport stream, to achieve high quality and efficient cleaning so that the purity of certified seed to be high. To achieve certified seed grain, Modelu station is No. 1 in Romania, this fact being acknowledged by external partners in Central, Southern and Southeastern Europe and Probstdorfer Saatzucht Romania being the leading exporter of certified seed grain in Romania.
The station from Modelu was equipped from the start with its own laboratory for seed quality control, laboratory that meets internal standards of Probstdorfer and international ISTA standards.
Since 2011 the station Modelu began to develop an improvement program in order to produce new varieties of wheat and durum wheat.