
JOLLY is a compact and very early rape type, with rapid development in autumn and early active growth in the spring, leading to a very early flowering (similar to SAMMY). Due to its performance benchmark in Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, JOLLY variety is recommended for dry lands, characterized by a very good resistance to lodging, with compact and dense pods, and a very good tolerance to disease (Phoma and Sclerotinia) .

Researches carried out in dry areas in Austria have confirmed the results obtained from neighboring countries: ex. in 2011, the city of Marchfeld achieved a production of 5200 kg/ha, thus being with 2% over the base variety – witness (Sherlock – the most cultivated in the region).


Multiple rows barley (6). Very suitable for wet areas and transit.
It is tolerant to rust, with medium maturity and high productivity.

[table id=53/]


Morphological and physiological characteristics:

Winter variety with 6 rows of beans.
High adaptable to different soil conditions.
Recommended to be grown on highly differentiated areas in terms of climate – frost resistant.
Drought resistant variety.
Stable and resistant to rust.
Early maturing variety, with particular forage value.
High capacity twinning.
Average plant size: 90 – 100 cm.

biological potential: 6.000 – 8.000 kg/ha
undertaken production: 6.780 kg/ha


Quality characteristics:

hectoliter weight:> 67-69
MMB: 45 – 52 g
Sifting index sifting (> 2.5 mm)
Low in protein.[/success]


Cultural characteristics:

sowing time
south, west and southeast: 9.20 – 5.10
and northern hilly: 10.09 – 30.09
part-time from sowing: 130-160 kg/ha (300 g.s./m)[/success]


GLORIA winter barley with maturity earlier than MONTANA variety is excellent for animal feed due to high protein content. Resistant medium to high in wintering, and a very good resistance against diseases and is recommended to cultivate highly differentiated surfaces in terms of climate.

Twinning high capacity provides good yields, requiring the use of a seeding density of only 300 germinable seeds/sq.m. and a quantity of certified seed of 140-170 kg/ha in optimal time (the southern, western and southeastern country 20 September to 5 October, respectively hilly and north 10 to 30 September).

Variety with medium to high (100-105 cm) is recommended growth regulator (active ingredient: 250 g/L Trinexapac-ethyl, of 0.25 L/ha) at the end of brotherhood or early elongation straw – between first and second internode. (See table seeding rules, MMB).

[table id=51/]


Cultural characteristics:

Sowing time
south, west and south-east: 9.20 – 5.10
and northern hilly: 10.09 – 30.09
Reduced sowing time: 140-170 kg/ha (300 g.s.)[/success]


2-row feed barley, excellent for feeding, especially pigs. It is one of the most resistant varieties in wintering.

[table id=52/]


Morphological and physiological characteristics:

Variety of autumn with 2 rows of beans.
Recommended to cultivate on areas highly differentiated in terms of climate – frost resistant.
Variety highly resistant to drought.
Stable and resistant to rust.
Early maturing variety, with great fodder value.
High capacity twinning.
Average plant size: 80 – 90 cm.


Cultural characteristics:

sowing time
south, west and southeast: 9.20 – 5.10
and northern hilly: 10.09 – 30.09
reduced sowing time: 130-160 kg / ha (300 bg / m)


biological potential: 5,000 -7,000 kg / ha
production undertaken: 5970 kg / ha

Quality characteristics:

hectoliter weight:> 67-69
MMB: 47 – 55 g
LArge sifting index (> 2.5 mm)
Low in protein.[/success]


Early and resistance to lodging.
An ideal combination between production and quality. It meets all claims of processing industry.

[table id=50/]


Morphological and physiological characteristics:

Durum winter wheat variety, suitable for all traditional areas of culture. Auradur has great ecological plasticity, making it cultivable on surfaces highly differentiated in terms of climate, providing inputs to optimize clasic inputs specific to wheat crops. AURADUR variety is characterized by a large vitrescence and high quality grain with a high content of protein and is required for the production of special flours in the baking industry, for the production of high quality pasta. Shows good resistance to drought and diseases. Average capacity of twinning. Average plant size: 80 – 90 cm. Aristias are black.


biological potential: 5.000 – 7.000 kg/ha
undertaken productions: 5.700 kg/ha

Hectolitric weight (kg/100 l) 76-82
Protein (%) 16-21