Multiple rows barley (6). Very suitable for wet areas and transit.
It is tolerant to rust, with medium maturity and high productivity.
[table id=53/]
Morphological and physiological characteristics:
Winter variety with 6 rows of beans.
High adaptable to different soil conditions.
Recommended to be grown on highly differentiated areas in terms of climate – frost resistant.
Drought resistant variety.
Stable and resistant to rust.
Early maturing variety, with particular forage value.
High capacity twinning.
Average plant size: 90 – 100 cm.
biological potential: 6.000 – 8.000 kg/ha
undertaken production: 6.780 kg/ha
Quality characteristics:
hectoliter weight:> 67-69
MMB: 45 – 52 g
Sifting index sifting (> 2.5 mm)
Low in protein.[/success]
Cultural characteristics:
sowing time
south, west and southeast: 9.20 – 5.10
and northern hilly: 10.09 – 30.09
part-time from sowing: 130-160 kg/ha (300 g.s./m)[/success]