
GLORIA winter barley with maturity earlier than MONTANA variety is excellent for animal feed due to high protein content. Resistant medium to high in wintering, and a very good resistance against diseases and is recommended to cultivate highly differentiated surfaces in terms of climate.

Twinning high capacity provides good yields, requiring the use of a seeding density of only 300 germinable seeds/sq.m. and a quantity of certified seed of 140-170 kg/ha in optimal time (the southern, western and southeastern country 20 September to 5 October, respectively hilly and north 10 to 30 September).

Variety with medium to high (100-105 cm) is recommended growth regulator (active ingredient: 250 g/L Trinexapac-ethyl, of 0.25 L/ha) at the end of brotherhood or early elongation straw – between first and second internode. (See table seeding rules, MMB).

[table id=51/]


Cultural characteristics:

Sowing time
south, west and south-east: 9.20 – 5.10
and northern hilly: 10.09 – 30.09
Reduced sowing time: 140-170 kg/ha (300 g.s.)[/success]

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